
The Naperville Central High School Athletic Booster Club is pleased to offer a Scholarship on behalf of Connor Hunt a former Naperville Central Redhawk. It is established to assist students as they continue their education.

Current NCHS seniors, who have been involved in the athletic program, are encouraged to apply. An essay must accompany each application addressing the question, “How have you brought passion to your life, in order to serve others and bring strength to those around you?”

Items that the selection committee will consider are:

  • years of involvement in or support of athletic programs,
  • breadth of involvement (how many and variety of sports),
  • community service, and most of all,
  • the essay.

A $1,000 scholarship, funded by the Connor Hunt Memorial Foundation, will be awarded and the recipient named at the Senior Athletic Awards banquet. All applicants are expected to be present at the banquet.

Application must be completed and returned to the Athletic Department office by (application deadline date?) Applications can be obtained in the Athletic Department office or online at:

In November 2012 Connor was diagnosed with Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare and aggressive form of pediatric cancer.  Connor battled this disease for more than five years with an incredible amount of strength, courage and grace.

Prior to attending Naperville Central, Connor was involved with St. Raphael Football, Naperville Wrestling Club and Naperville Little League.  When Connor started his freshman year he could no longer play contact sports due to his treatment protocol.  His freshman year he volunteered as the team manager of the freshman baseball team.  Connor also played on the golf team his sophomore and junior years.  Regardless of which sport he was playing he played with respect, passion, courage and intensity.

Connor Hunt (Naperville Central) Booster Club Scholarship

The Connor Hunt Service Scholarship

 Scholarship that is awarded to a Naperville Central Athlete that:

Thinks of others more than themselves. (Community Service)

Gives 100% all the time and is extremely coachable.

Love for Athletics

Leads by example and is respected by peers, teachers and coaches.